Oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits: Turns out they’re much more than an easy holiday gift basket. Aside from the obvious benefits of vitamin C and fiber, citrus has been linked to a reduced risk of stroke, an increase in fat-loss, and inhibited growth of cancerous tumors. Grapefruit in particular has been show to prevent asthma, help you say regular, and promote healthier skin. It contains potassium, lyocpene, and choline that can help lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels.
SEE ALSO: Sparkling Citrus Punch Recipe
Grapfruits are also composed of 91 percent water, and contain a payload of electrolytes that make them an ideal pre- and post-workout snack to hydrate and stay energized. Moreover, December is the absolute best time to eat grapefruit and other citrus. A study at the University of Agriculture showed that grapefruit’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals are most highly concentrated when the fruit is harvested in or around Dec. 1.
SEE ALSO: Best Fruit For Bodybuilding