Scientific supplementation can help increase muscle p>
When you're trying to build muscle, the most important "eat" is actually the supplement package you take before bed while you're still awake. That's because you don't want to lose those precious minutes preparing your eggs or oatmeal, which is much less time spent digesting those things. By that time, you'll have lost some muscle to catabolic effects during the tolerable fasting period of sleep.
So, you need to add some nutrients that can quickly enter the stomach and muscles. You'll also want to take advantage of the naturally high levels of testosterone in your body in the morning by taking some supplements that stimulate the work of testosterone to gain more muscle. Using the Morning Muscle Pack as soon as you wake up will help you achieve all of the above goals without having to do any meal prep.

Whey Protein Powder
When you wake up, your body has essentially gone through a 7-9 hour fasting phase, during which the body breaks down muscle protein and converts it into energy. The best way to stop this process is to take about 40 grams of whey protein powder.
Whey is a fast-digesting protein that your body can absorb, especially if you choose a whey protein isolate product, or a faster-absorbing whey protein powder with hydrolyzed protein (to get into the bloodstream faster) In the flow, whey protein is broken down into small fragments). The amino acids from whey quickly enter the bloodstream and are used as energy, replacing muscle protein. And those amino acids that are not used as energy will enter the muscles to repair the broken parts.
WheyProtein powder also contains peptides, amino acids that increase the ability of blood vessels to dilate, meaning more blood flows to the muscles, thereby increasing the delivery of not only the amino acids in the whey, but also more testosterone. . This is important when you wake up because this is when your testosterone levels are at their highest.