Alcohol consumption can disrupt sleep, hinder muscle growth, add unwanted calories to your diet, and give you “beer goggles.” So, yeah, doing more than sipping on gin and juice isn’t highly recommended for us gym rats. Still, if wine or beer is your libation of choice, it pays to know the better option.
SEE ALSO: Beer Can Strengthen Muscles
On average, per serving—12 and 5 fluid ounces for brew and vino, respectively—they’re about even when it comes to calories. That said, the higher the alcohol by volume, the higher the calories. (You hear that, craft beer snobs?) A typical glass of wine clocks in at 12% ABV, while beer is only 5%—giving beer the clear advantage. Beer, on the other hand, has more carbs. Yet while both alcoholic beverages contain small amounts of minerals and the same amount of antioxidants, wine also has the phytochemical resveratrol, which is linked to heart health. But recent research has shown moderate beer consumption (two brews max) can aid bone and heart health and reduce diabetes risk. That’s enough to raise a pint to having a cold one. Prost!

ABOUT THE R.D.: Toby Amidor is the author of The Greek Yogurt Kitchen: More Than 130 Delicious, Healthy Recipes for Every Meal of the Day.