What kind of meat should you eat for fitness? It turns out these are the meats

Everyone knows that when we are exercising, we also need to pay attention to our diet, because reasonable fitness and reasonable diet can make it easier for us to achieve our fitness goals, but many people don’t know what to eat when exercising. What kind of meat, I believe many people don’t know. So, what kind of meat should you eat for fitness? Let’s take a look at what kind of meat to eat.


Chicken and turkey

​ Emphasize that fitness effects require increasing body muscle mass as much as possible and minimizing body fat. Two commonly used sources of protein in the bodybuilding community are chicken and turkey. These lean meats provide important protein while being relatively low in calories compared to other meats, such as beef and pork. While the differences between chicken and turkey are minimal, overall, chicken is one of the important sources of nutrients in a bodybuilder's diet.

Many athletes choose the leanest chicken breast, which is boneless and skinless. Removing the skin from the chicken breast can reduce a large amount of fat, which also makes the calorie content quite low. Skinless and boneless grilled chicken breast contains approximately 165 calories, 31 grams of protein and 3.6 grams of fat per 100 grams; turkey breast contains 135 calories, 30.1 grams of protein and 0.7 grams of fat per 100 grams.

Strength training athletes need 1.5 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for optimal muscle growth. Take a bodybuilder weighing 100 kilograms as an example: multiply by 1.5 and 2.0 to get the required amount, which equals a daily protein intake of 150 grams to 200 grams, which also means that he must eat at least 500 grams of chicken a day.


For many people, the sound and taste of roast beef are irresistible. For athletes and weight trainers, beef is a signal of protein.

Beef and plant protein sources are different. Beef contains the same types of proteins as humans: including skeletal muscle proteins, myosin, actin, troponin, as well as collagen and other connective tissue proteins. Usually the net weight of animal meat contains more than 80% eggsWhite meat, a 100-gram piece of lean beef (10% fat content), has a protein content of about 30.6 grams (183 calories and 5.8 grams of fat). In order to reduce calories, when choosing meat, try to choose lean cuts of meat from the waist.

In addition, beef is not only a delicious piece of barbecue protein, it is also rich in many vitamins, such as vitamin B12 and a variety of minerals: such as phosphorus, iron and zinc, and is one of the main sources of micronutrients for the human body. Beef also contains carnosine, which is important for muscle function. Carnosine is formed in the body from beta-alanine, a dietary amino acid found in large amounts in fish and red meat. When human muscles maintain high levels of carnosine, they can reduce fatigue and improve performance during exercise, naturally becoming the key to building muscles and improving athletic performance.


Animals, whether land or winged, provide a wealth of nutrients for muscle building. When it comes to protein, fish skeletal muscle molecules are similar to mammalian skeletal muscle and provide as much protein per hundred grams as red meat, White meat is equivalent, but usually represents leaner fat. For example, 100g of tuna contains 80% protein, has 184 calories, about 30g of protein, and about 6g of fat. Because of this, tuna has always been a popular choice for athletes of all types. Favorite snack.

The benefits of fish go beyond providing protein. A 165-gram can of tuna contains more than 3 grams of leucine, the branched-chain amino acid responsible for stimulating MPS. In addition, there are 2.5 grams of arginine, as well as iron, niacin and vitamin B12 to supply humans. Healthy elements needed by the body. Fish also provides about the same levels of creatine as beef, and the amino acid arginine in it produces nitric oxide to support blood flow and efficient metabolic function.

Fish is also the best source of Omega-3 fats, EPA and DHA. You can get EPA indirectly from non-meat sources like nuts and seeds, but DHA only comes from seafood. These special fats are unique in many ways, but when it comes to muscle, researchers report that when people take fish oil supplements, they provide more than 3 grams of EPA and DHA consistently over eight weeks, which can aid in exercise recovery, such as Reduce inflammation and soreness. Another area where fish oil is used is in the optimal effectiveness of omega-3 fats in supporting testosterone formation.

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