Fitness's daily diet! Detailed explanationEat smaller meals more often!
Eating smaller meals more frequently is very important in fitness nutrition! So how to eat it! Today we will explain to you each meal in Eat Less, Eat More!
Diet composition:The daily diet formula for bodybuilders is: sufficient protein, low fat content, and a large amount of carbohydrates. Among them, the ratio of the three main nutrients of protein, carbohydrates and fat should be about 30:50:20.
1. Breakfast:Breakfast Since there is no food supply overnight, the body is in urgent need of calories, especially carbohydrates, to provide energy for the first few hours of work. Complex carbohydrates "burn" very slowly and provide long-lasting energy, making them a better choice.
Of course, you also need protein to maintain a constant flow of amino acids in the blood, which helps prevent muscle catabolism.
Recommendation: 3 hard-boiled eggs, two slices of bread, 1 cup of skim milk
2. Morning snack: The morning snack will be eaten again about 3 hours after breakfastTime to eat. This is one of the smaller meals of the day, simply needed to fuel the body for the rest of the morning and maintain a constant supply of amino acids in the blood. Moderate amount of protein plus some carbohydrates
Recommendation: Mix protein powder with water, milk or juice and drink (30g); 40g oatmeal cookies or bread
3. Lunch meal:The focus of lunch is protein + complex carbohydrates + vegetables. Protein foods such as beef and salmon are good choices for the muscle-building stage because they can provide additional calories (fat) in addition to protein. The fats contained in salmon and other fish are healthy fats. As for carbohydrates, you can choose any complex carbohydrate you want, such as potatoes, rice, and pasta.
Recommendation: 200g steak; 2 sweet potatoes or potatoes. 200 grams of vegetables, appropriate amount of fruits
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