No matter what you’ve been told, you can totally throw down on Thanksgiving. Seriously, eat whatever you want (if you want, of course). You don’t even have to do a “Thanksgiving workout,” again, if you don’t want to. It’s one of those rare days in which you’re entitled to enjoy with your loved ones—by eating, resting, and even eating some more.
Don’t stress: One day of stuffing your face will not derail years’ worth of dedication to your health and fitness. Reading this will either make you jump for joy or fill you will anxiety. If you’re feeling the latter, keep reading.
For some, days like Thanksgiving can cause feelings of stress and pressure to eat “perfectly,” or to not go overboard. Although there’s nothing wrong with keeping it clean on Turkey Day, if you truly want to indulge but struggle to let loose, you’re not alone. Here, Danny Saltos, aka Train with Danny, NASM certified personal trainer and fitness influencer, addresses the pressures that come with Thanksgiving Day and provides simple tips on how to enjoy your plate(s) guilt-free!
Here’s Why You Won’t Gain 10 Pounds Overnight
One reason why the fear of Thanksgiving Day grubbin’ is this: the thought that you’ll gain fat overnight from one single day of delicacy indulgence. While water weight is real, fat weight from Turkey Day, not so much.
“Weight gain doesn’t occur overnight,” Saltos says. “It actually takes consistent effort and overconsumption of calories over long periods of time to gain weight.”
The three to five pounds you fluctuate on the scale every day isn’t fat, it’s water.
No one got themselves into peak in one day and alternatively, you don’t gain weight or become overweight in one day.
“I can completely understand the fear of high food consumption because we have been told repeatedly that we can’t eat this or that,” the Los Angeles-based personal trainer says.
The facts are, high food consumption one day here and one day there won’t going to derail you. It will actually help you stay the course in the long run—#Balance.
And truth be told, “One day of eating more than you normally do can serve to refuel your body,” Saltos adds. Ever notice how the workouts immediately following Thanksgiving are killer? That’s because you have filled up your energy reserves that allow you to perform your best.
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Healthy Eating
<h3 class="article__title">
5 Healthy Ways to Use Thanksgiving Leftovers
<p class="article__subtitle">Turn your cold leftovers into a muscle-building, post-Thanksgiving feast.</p>
Read article
Three Tips to Lessen the Pressure on Thanksgiving Day (Extra Mashed Potatoes, please!)
<p class='slide-count'>1 of 3</p><img width="1109" height="614" src="/uploadfile/2024/1211/20241211102301196.jpg"><p class="photo-credit"> / Shutterstock</p>
Reframe your perspective
“If you go into Thanksgiving only thinking about the food and worrying about calories, fats, carbohydrates, and protein, then you miss being in the moment and truly cherishing your friends and family,” Saltos says.
Focus on the experiences and people: “Make that your central focus and you go into Thanksgiving looking to create memories and experiences rather than restrict what’s going into your body,” he adds.
If you find yourself struggling to let go, try this:

Drazen Zigic
It’s Time to Let Go
It might be time to give yourself the freedom to let go. “If you’re someone who has been super strict and restrictive for a long time, this might be your opportunity to fill up the gas tanks,” says Saltos and use good old Turkey Day to your advantage.
“Being strict or disciplined for any prolonged period of time actually wears on us mentally and physically,” Saltos warns. Letting go and enjoying the extra carbs and sweets might be what you need to recharge your batteries and keep moving forward. And again, the extra calories make for a killer post-Thanksgiving workout! No pre-workout needed!

M J / EyeEm / Getty
Make Thanksgiving Part of Your Plan
“Ever notice how comfortable we are when things go according to plan?” Saltos asks That’s because we have anticipated it and expected a certain outcome. Another question: “What if I tell you that eating whatever you want on the third Thursday of November is part of your strategy?” he adds. It sounds ridiculous, but often times the easiest things are the best solutions.
Good food makes for a fantastic next-day workout and good company makes for a boost in mood. Two things that will help you stay the course in the long run verses strict dieting day in and day out.
The biggest thing Saltos wants people to understand is that, “days like Thanksgiving are about the memories, experiences, and moments we create on that day,” he says. “Of course, we all talk about how good Aunt Sarah’s sweet potato pie is, but what we take home with us are the memories,” he says. Enjoy the day and live in the moment. You can always pick your fitness journey back up the next day.