Diet plan for building muscle without gaining weight
For the first five weeks, eat twice your normal amount of calories one day each week. As your body gradually adapts to this, increase the frequency of overeating to once every five days. This will give your body extra energy, allowing you to gain several pounds of pure muscle in just two months.
Meet needs
First, you need to know the amount of calories you need daily to maintain muscle: a 99-kilogram person generally needs 4,000 calories to maintain his weight and muscle. You can keep a food diary (for 4 to 5 days to get an accurate estimate of your average daily calorie intake) or do your best to estimate. If you keep a food diary, record all the foods you eat and the amounts, and use a food calorie chart to calculate the number of calories you consume each day. Then, double your daily intake to determine how much food you need to binge. In our example, the 99-kilogram bodybuilder needs to eat 8,000 calories on his binge day.
Eating twice as many calories once a week can help you build muscle without gaining weight.
Super Eating Day
Choose one day each week to start binge eating. Whether you choose a weekday or a weekend, make sure to pick a day when you have plenty of time, as it takes time to prepare and eat more food. If you're still concerned about gaining fat, implement this plan on training days. During the first five weeks of this eating plan, you'll eat twice as much as you normally would on eating days. At first you'll feel miserable on eating days, as if you're throwing up all the food you've eaten, but your body will get used to it quickly. By the third binge day, your body should have adapted to it and you won't feel so bad.
This is why you need to increase the frequency of binge eating in the second month. After a month, as your body adapts, you will need to binge more often than once a week to ensure continued muscle growth. becauseSo, you'll start bingeing once every five days, but you'll still need to continue eating the amount of food you need to maintain your weight on the other days. In the example of this 99-kg bodybuilder, he must ensure that he consumes 4,000 calories a day. Eating too much will cause you to accumulate fat, and eating too little will affect the effects of the diet plan and even make it worse. You suffer from a calorie deficit, causing you to lose weight. Pay special attention to this in the days after you binge eat, as you may lose your appetite then.
Diet plan for building muscle without gaining weight
Here is an example of a one-day binge eating plan that you can replace with similar foods; switching up different foods every day will work better than eating the same foods every day. Adjust your consumption according to actual conditions to achieve twice the daily meal requirement.
7 o'clock in the morning
Breakfast: five eggs, a bowl of oatmeal, turkey bacon, and a piece of fruit
10 a.m.
Morning snack: weight gain shake (high protein, high carbohydrate)
12 noon
Lunch: Roast chicken, pasta with olive oil, vegetables
2:00 pm
Afternoon snack: meat sandwich on whole wheat bread, half an avocado, a handful of nuts
4:00 pm
Pre-Workout: Simple Carb and Whey Protein Shake
Post-Workout: Simple Carb and Whey Protein Shake
Dinner: Large steak, a small baked potato, vegetables