Nutritious Recipes: 5 High-Quality Protein Foods

Whether you want to build muscle< span style="font-size: 14px;">, or just want to carve lines, protein has a place! Whether you are building muscle or losing fat, protein intake is important!

The world of protein is diverse. How should we choose foods? So, today I will recommend some high-quality protein foods to you

1. Eggs

Eggs can be said to be the first choice of protein food! One egg contains about 6 grams of protein, and it is absorbed very efficiently. In addition, egg yolk is also rich in lecithin, vitamins, and unsaturated fats, which are of great help to the human body!

2.Chicken Breast

When I see TV talking about which artist is working hard to build muscles and eat chicken breasts, it’s not without reason! The ingredients of chicken breast are mostly water and protein, with basically no fat. So for people who want to gain muscle but don’t want to eat too much oil, chicken breast would be a great choice!

3. Beef

Beef has more fat than chicken! But why are so many people still eating it? In fact, beef contains high levels of creatine, a substance that can enhance muscle strength, which is not found in chicken breast. Therefore, if you feel that you are tired and unable to exert your strength in the near future, you might as well eat some beef instead to increase your explosive power!

4. Fish

Fish can be said to be the number one protein on the seabed! Fish is rich in protein, and the oil in fish contains polyunsaturated fat (Omega3), which has a significant effect on inhibiting cardiovascular disease. If you are tired of eating chicken and beef, you can replace it with fish. It is recommended that salmon would be a good choice!

5. Protein drinks

There are many types of protein drinks, some are absorbed quickly and some are absorbed slowly! If you are training, you can try a cup of whey protein after training! Not only does it have a high absorption rate, it also has a certain effect in preventing muscle breakdown and promoting muscle synthesis. This is why everyone in the gym has a cup of whey protein!