Arogyavardhini: Benefits, Usage, Dosage, and Precautions

Arogyavardhini is a multi-herb supplement that has been used to treat liver and skin conditions in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries (1).

Ayurveda is the traditional medical system of India that uses holistic or natural treatments — including the plant-based supplement arogyavardhini — to care for mental and physical health.

However, only a few clinical studies have been published on the safety and effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatments (2).

Furthermore, numerous health concerns surround arogyavardhini.

This article provides an overview of arogyavardhini supplements, explains what they’re typically used for, and tells you whether they’re safe.

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What is arogyavardhini?

Arogyavardhini is referred to by a few different names, including:

  • arogyavardhini vati
  • arogyavardhini gutika
  • arogyavardhini rasa
  • sarvroghar vati

The supplement is typically a blend of the following ingredients (3, 4):

Ayurvedic nameWestern nameType of ingredientProportionHaritakiTerminalia chebulaDried fruit rind1 partBibhitakaTerminalia bellericaDried fruit rind1 partAmalakiEmblica officinalisDried fruit rind1 partShuddha shilajatuAsphaltumProcessed black bitumen3 partsShuddha gugguluCommiphora wightii Gum resin of guggul shrub4 partsChitraka moolaPlumbago zeylanica linnDried root of leadwort plant4 partsKatuka (kutaki)Picrorrhiza kurroaDried rhizome of herbal plant22 partsShuddha rasaParadaPurified mercury1 partShuddha gandhakaGandhakaPurified sulfur1 partLauha bhasmaIronAsh compound1 partAbharaka bhasmaMicaAsh compound1 partTamra bhasmaCopperAsh compound1 partNimbaAzadirachta indica Leaf juice extractAs needed

These ingredients, in the form of either powders or liquid extracts, are mixed into a paste that’s held together with a binding agent like starch. The result is dark black in color and bitter in taste (5).

A 2016 study analyzing the pharmaceutical properties of arogyavardhini found that it contained nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, starches, and steroids, in addition to plant compounds like flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and phenols (4).


Arogyavardhini is an herbal blend used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It’s made up of 13 ingredients including dried fruits, plant extracts, and processed metals and minerals.

Possible health benefits and uses

Despite this supplement’s long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine, you should keep in mind that scientific research on arogyavardhini is very limited. In general, the studies that exist were poorly designed and show only weak evidence.

Thus, you should consider the traditional uses as unproven — and take even the scientific benefits with a grain of salt.

Traditional uses

A primary belief of traditional Ayurvedic medicine is that optimal health is achieved by balancing three vital energies in the body — otherwise known as doshas.

The three doshas are vata, pitta, and kapha.

On the contrary, it’s believed that an imbalance of these energies can lead to many illnesses.

Arogyavardhini is believed to bring balance among the three doshas. Thus, in Ayurveda it has been used to treat numerous conditions, including (4, 5, 6):

  • fever
  • obesity
  • acne
  • eczema
  • dermatitis
  • edema
  • jaundice, which is a buildup of yellowish pigments in the blood
  • liver disorders
  • stomach ailments
  • lack of appetite
  • irregular bowel movements

Because it’s difficult to scientifically measure the effects that arogyavardhini may have on the doshas, other research has instead examined how the herbal formula affects certain conditions and diseases.

May support liver health

Arogyavardhini is claimed to treat liver disease. Several studies have examined this purported effect in both humans and animals.

One study measured the protective effects of the concoction on liver damage in rats that were given a toxic compound.

One group received 41 mg of arogyavardhini per pound (90 mg per kg) of body weight daily for 1 week, while other groups received either conventional medicine or no treatment (7).

The rats receiving arogyavardhini had smaller increases in fat in the blood, urea levels, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, compared with the group receiving the toxic compound alone, indicating partial protection of liver function (7).

In a study in 32 people displaying signs of fatty liver disease, such as elevated ALT levels, one group took an Ayurvedic formula called Triphala Guggulu, as well as arogyavardhini herbs, while following a diet and exercise routine (8).

Compared with people who only followed the diet and exercise routine, the group who also took the Ayurvedic formulas showed significant improvements in liver function tests, blood fat levels, and reduced symptoms, which included abdominal pain and nausea (8).

Still, it’s unclear which effects, if any, arogyavardhini would have exerted on its own.

May help normalize blood fat levels

Additional research on arogyavardhini in humans and animals suggests that the herbal formula has the potential to improve blood fat levels and thus reduce heart disease risk.

One study in 96 people with abnormal blood fat levels administered participants 5 grams of an Ayurvedic herb called arjuna bark powder for 3 weeks followed by 500 mg of arogyavardhini for 4 weeks (3).

The participants saw significant improvements in blood fat levels, including triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

However, since arjuna bark powder was also used, it’s unclear if these benefits were due to arogyavardhini alone. Additionally, the study did not use a control group (3).

Finally, a study in rats also found that arogyavardhini significantly improved triglyceride levels and both LDL (bad) and HDL (good) cholesterol levels after 1 week (9).

May treat symptoms of stomach conditions

Arogyavardhini has often been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat chronic stomach conditions like diarrhea, constipation, and indigestion.

In an older study, 1.6 ounces (45.5 grams) of the formula was administered over 31 days to participants experiencing malnourishment due to chronic stomach conditions, which resulted in improved nutritional status (10).

However, because arogyavardhini was not the only Ayurvedic therapy used in this study, the outcomes cannot be attributed to this remedy alone.

Thus, further research and randomized controlled trials on arogyavardhini’s ability to help treat chronic stomach conditions are needed.


Arogyavardhini has often been used to treat many conditions in Ayurvedic medicine. The herbal formula demonstrates a capacity to improve liver disease and normalize blood fat levels, although more research is needed.

Potential side effects

Arogyavardhini is linked to some concerns around heavy metal poisoning.

One of the largest issues with the safety of Ayurvedic therapies is their content of certain metals and minerals.

As such, it’s important to obtain your herbal Ayurvedic formulas from a reliable vendor, only take the amount prescribed, and always speak with your healthcare provider first.

This is underlined by some research that has found elevated blood levels of lead and mercury in people using Ayurvedic preparations (2).

That said, other studies specifically researching arogyavardhini have determined the herbal formula to be safe in humans and animals (3).

According to two studies in rats, the mercury and copper in the herbal formula do not pose toxic threats.

The first study found an accumulation of mercury in the kidneys but no accumulation of metals in the liver or brain. Meanwhile, the second study observed no significant changes in behavior, liver function, or kidney function (1, 11).

All the same, heavy metals like mercury are highly poisonous and should never be ingested.

Due to the lack of long-term research in humans, consuming arogyavardhini cannot be recommended until additional safety information is available.


Due to a lack of comprehensive human research, arogyavardhini is not considered safe. There are concerns around its heavy metal content.

How much to take

Because research on the safety and side effects of arogyavardhini is lacking, proper dosage information is unknown.

Certain populations, including children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with certain medical conditions or taking certain medications, should avoid arogyavardhini altogether.

Historically, Ayurvedic literature has suggested taking between 500 mg and 1 gram of arogyavardhini per day (5).

However, the use of this supplement is generally discouraged due to safety concerns, particularly involving its heavy metal content.


Due to a lack of safety studies, proper dosage information is unknown. The use of arogyavardhini is discouraged.

The bottom line

Arogyavardhini is an herbal formula often used to treat medical conditions in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

Not all of these uses have been scientifically studied thus far.

However, some of its purported benefits, such as its ability to normalize blood fat levels and treat liver disease, show some potential based on a very limited amount of research.

Nevertheless, you should generally avoid this supplement, especially because it may harbor heavy metals that can accumulate in your body. Further safety research is needed before arogyavardhini can be recommended.