Chinese food is a caloric bomb waiting to destroy your physique. Pay special attention to portion sizes, how the dish is prepared, and the content of the sauces—many contain more sodium and/or sugar than you should have in an entire day.

Yes: Ginger Chicken with Broccoli
The sodium in this dish is fairly high, but for a guy on a bodybuilding diet, it’s hard to beat a protein-to-fat ratio like this in any restaurant.
Calories: 470
Protein: 59g
Fat: 11g
Carbs: 38g
Sodium: 2,330mg

No: Crispy Honey Shrimp
It would be easy to be lured by 26 grams of protein here, but that still doesn’t justify 38 grams of fat and 53 grams of carbs. You can do better— hands off!
Calories: 660
Protein: 26g
Fat: 38g
Carbs: 53g
Sodium: 2,070mg

Maybe: Sesame Chicken
This isn’t a terrible choice (68 grams of protein never is), but 36 grams of fat is a tough sell, and the carbs are the knockout punch.
Calories: 790
Protein: 68g
Fat: 36g
Carbs: 50g
Sodium: 1,340mg